2013 Skill #2 – Blade Sharpening

2013 Skill #2 – Blade Sharpening

Whether it’s an excavator digging a house foundation or a bottle opener popping the top of your favorite beer, tools are what allow us to perform difficult jobs more easily.  If you take a close look at all the tools we use, you’ll notice that many of them have some kind of cutting function associated to them.  Knives, lawnmower blades, axes, scissors – they all allow us to perform a task that might otherwise be difficult or impossible.  When they are dull, they become unsafe.  In an effort to make my tools safe, the second skill I will master in 2013 is Blade Sharpening.

Sharpening Systems

There are many different ways to sharpen blades, but I will concentrate on two specific approaches: a traditional whetstone and the Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker System.  By learning both methods of sharpening, I will understand the pros and cons of each system and determine which system/method is best suited for individual tasks.

Learning Process

I will need some assistance learning how to sharpen blades.  Required instruction will come mostly from library books and online instruction (video and text).  While this skill is not the hardest one to learn, it is one that needs lots of hands-on practice to master.  That leads us to how my accomplishment will be measured and tracked.

Measurable Goals

I will again be using clearly defined, measurable goals to gauge my progress and successful completion.  With that thought in mind, I have set up the following goals for this skill set:

  • Purchase a quality whetstone by January 31, 2013
  • Confirm location of my Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker System and Instruction DVD by January 15, 2013
  • Rewatch Spyderco Instructional DVD by January 31, 2013
  • Find and consume whetstone sharpening instruction by January 31, 2013
  • Be able to sharpen all straight-blade knives (kitchen and pocket style) by February 28, 2013
  • Be able to sharpen all serrated blade knives (kitchen and pocket style) by March 15, 2013
  • Be able to sharpen all outdoor tools (lawnmower blade, ax, pruning shears, etc) by March 31, 2013

These goals are much more specific and direct than the ones I set in my Physical Fitness plan.  However, they follow my initial requirement of having Measureable and Timely goals for each skill set and are more in line with the type of goals and milestones you will see me set for the remaining skill sets.  I will be able to keep all the cutting tools I own in proper working order by accomplishing these goals.  In addition, I will reduce the risk of injury due to dull blades by keeping all of these tools sharp,

Over the next month or two, I will report back on some of the methods I am finding with regards to whetstone sharpening as well as give feedback on the Spyderco Tri-Angle Sharpmaker System.  I’m looking forward to accomplishing this skill set mastery as an added side benefit is that my cooking knives will be sharp which should enhance my enjoyment of cooking. 

photo credit: David Davies via photopin cc

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