My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

I was listening to an interesting conversation on my way into work the other day. One of the DJs was checking out the site and came across this article about a Man’s Perfect Day. It sparked a conversation amongst the hosts of the show as to what their Perfect Man Day would be. I found the conversation interesting and decided to check out the article. It was amusing to say the least. I’m not going to argue the author’s ideal day – it involves golf, fishing, great food and multiple sexual escapades (some with celebrities). It sounds downright perfect.

But it’s not realistic. I mean, honestly, if you think that an average Joe like you and I have any chance of having a naked Scarlett Johannson give us a massage on a private jet ride back from a fishing trip in the Bahamas after playing Augusta earlier in the morning, you’re crazy – I mean, really, do you know how much a private flight costs (that was sarcasm folks, look it up!)?

Regardless, this whole conversation got me thinking about what a realistic Perfect Man Day would consist of – who would I spend it with and what would I do? After some careful thought, I realized that I could honestly put together two Perfect Man Days – one in the summer and one in the winter – and neither one would necessarily trump the other.

Anyone who knows me is keenly aware that my passions tend to revolve around going fast sideways. Give me a board of any kind and I’m generally a happy guy. With that thought in mind, here are my ideas of a Perfect Man Day:

My Perfect Summer Man Day
7:30 Wake up in Salisbury, MD at my buddy’s place. My boys and I would all be staying down there.
8:00 We’d head out to grub at this little diner in Salisbury. Bacon, eggs, and coffee would hit the spot.
8:30 We’re on the road heading to Assateague Park.
9:00 Kiting gear is getting unloaded and set-up.
9:30 We’re kiting on the bay side of Assateague. Maybe even doing a wicked downwinder if the weather (and skill levels) cooperated.
12:30 Lunch at the bay – tasty sandwiches and cold beer.
1:30 Pack up the kite gear and head to the ocean side of the park. Tires get deflated on the trucks and we’re rolling out onto the beach.
2:00 Surf session with the boys. Hopefully, the surf is about chest high with offshore winds.
7:30 Sun is starting to set as we come in. We move the trucks to the camping area, spark a bonfire, set-up camp, and begin cooking dinner.
8:30 Steaks, baked potatoes, and cold beers eaten around the fire while we re-hash the stellar day.
9:00 More beers and BS’ing around the fire until we all pass out.


My Perfect Winter Man Day
7:30 Wake up to the sound of avalanche blasting at Snowmass. My boys and I are all there.
8:00 Bacon, eggs, and coffee in the condo while we watch the mountain slowly come to life.
8:30 Make our way to the lifts. The rest of the morning would consist of hiking some backcountry area and charging with the crew. We’d film as much as possible during this time.
12:30 Lunch at the base – a couple of cold beers and some great burgers.
1:30 Ride the park for the rest of the afternoon. Hit a bunch of different features and get some great filming in as well.
4:00 Back to the condo after the lifts close. A quick change and off to the hot tubs. Maybe throw a massage in there as well.
6:00 Get changed and head to dinner. A big round table at the back of a steakhouse. Some cold brews, great steaks, and maybe a few bottles of good wine.
8:00 Throw on the gear again for a rouge night session on some dimly lit features. Great filming opportunity.
9:30 Beers back at the condo while we watch all the footage filmed during the day.
10:30 Head out to the bar where we party like rock stars until the wee hours of the morning.


I know that the days I described probably seems like a simplistic point of view, but I’m a simple guy. It really doesn’t take much to make me happy.

Give me a board, my bros, add in a few cold ones and you’ve basically got a recipe for a great day in my opinion.

No, my days don’t involve any sexual exploits (they would be most welcomed, although my wife tends not to go on these trips) or time with my family (don’t read anything into that – I love every minute I get to spend with them). The days described above just really define what I think would be realistic, obtainable Perfect Man Days for me.

How about you? What would you consider a Perfect Man Day?

Let us know in the comments or on our Facebook Page.

4 Responses to My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

  1. […] buddy Dan who writes Big Dan’s Ramblings wrote a piece about what his perfect man day – a day with the guys doing man stuff would be.  He gave two versions – summer and […]

  2. […] Endorsement My buddy Dan who writes Big Dan’s Ramblings wrote a piece about what his perfect man day – a day with the guys doing man stuff would be.  He gave two versions – summer and […]

  3. jim says:

    this is awesome man

  4. […] My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day – This article was based off an article over at and outlined how I would spend a […]