Merry Christmas to all the BDR Readers!

The staff at BDR would like to take this opportunity to wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas! We hope Santa was very good to you and that you enjoy this time with your loved ones. We’d also like to thank you for reading BDR over the last eight months and ask thatContinue Reading

Football | Rumbling, Tumbling…But Not Fumbling

[yt]ufkHymQEuqc[/yt] Here we have Dan Connolly’s performance in what probably accounts for the most historic kick return by a guy who could eat an entire Old 96’er (Great Outdoors reference!).  I know that this video has been played a lot this week, but I just can’t get over how awesome it is.  Here you haveContinue Reading

Football | It’s All Over: Brett Favre’s Storied Streak Comes To A Whimpering End

Arguably, one of the most impressive streaks has ended. With the announcement that he was on the inactive list last night due to a shoulder injury, Brett Favre‘s consecutive start streak concluded at 297 games (321 including playoff appearances according to Adam Schefter). Like him or not, the man has had an impressive career. Personally,Continue Reading

When Is A Sloppy Joe Not A Sloppy Joe?

I’m not sure if I’ve mentioned this before, but I grew up in a fairly traditional Italian household.  You know the drill – pasta at least three nights a week, church on Sunday morning, no meat on Friday during Lent, and a mother who was both skilled in filling your belly and being able toContinue Reading

UMass Football – Moving On Up?

As some of you might remember, my Open Letter to Jack Wilson, President of the University of Massachusetts received quite a lot of attention.  As such, I’ve been following the story on UMass football’s potential move from the Football Championship Subdivision (FCS) to the Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS).  Today, the Boston Globe ran a prettyContinue Reading

Blak Sheep Gnarly State Park Stik Used and Reviewed

My friend Doug has a small, but up-and-coming, snowboard company call Blak Sheep Snowboards based out of New Jersey.  Below is the review that gave him on his 155cm Blak Sheep Gnarly State Park Stik: Originally posted at American made products seem to be diminishing more and more by the day. But that’s justContinue Reading

Where Was This Size In High School?

Trying to delay probable disappointment and eventual anger, I purposely avoided the bathroom scale for the last week. As the Thanksgiving holiday rolled through, I enjoyed all the turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, desserts and libations with, essentially, reckless abandon. And why not? I was with friends and family, celebrating my absolute favorite holiday. But, asContinue Reading

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful to all of you who take the time to come on over and give us a read. I’m also very thankful for my wonderful wife and daughters and the rest of my great family who makes my life so full and exciting.Continue Reading