My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

I was listening to an interesting conversation on my way into work the other day. One of the DJs was checking out the site and came across this article about a Man’s Perfect Day. It sparked a conversation amongst the hosts of the show as to what their Perfect Man Day would be. IContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Kids and Ice Cream

I really do not intend this to be a blog about my kids, but I just can’t help but smile and laugh every time I see this video. One of my little girls got her first chance at eating an ice cream cone all by herself for the first time. I think she enjoyed it!Continue Reading

Cussing With Kids

This post is most definitely rated PG-13 for language. You were warned… I have never been a huge user of cuss words, but I don’t exactly shy away from them either. Words like “shit” and “damn” are pretty regular occurrences in my daily vernacular. I am, however, conscious of where I use such phrases. AContinue Reading

Finding My Way

I’m sure that a lot of you – and, by ‘a lot of you,’ I mean the 3-4 people who read this blog – have realized that I have been delinquent in posting anything new over the past week or so. There’s a reason for that. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately aboutContinue Reading

Similarities Between Snowboarding and Life

But back in college I was reading an article about a professional rider and they were quoted about their views on snowboarding and life. Now, I can’t remember the rider or the exact phrase (and about an hour worth of Googling didn’t help), but it went something like this: Snowboarding, for all its inherent coolness,Continue Reading

Father Knows Best – The Best Advice I've Ever Received

You spend the first part of your life providing unconditional love to them, the next part insisting that they are wrong at every corner, and the rest of your life realizing that they actually knew what they were talking about. Of course, I’m writing about fathers. My old man was, and still is, a straightContinue Reading

Just Watch This

There’s really no words that can describe this other than hysterical. [yt]OYpwAtnywTk[/yt]

My Dog Just Loves the Hose

My normally hyper yet scared-of-her-own-shadown lab-mix has decided that she hates the water that comes out of the hose.   Why this water bothers her so much is beyond my comprehension, but we have the ‘pictures to prove it’ as Dicky and the boys used to say. This video was taken up at my parents’Continue Reading