The Daily Pube: Boston’s Hot I wrote this for TDP. I’ve never been prouder to be a Red Sox fan…well, yes I have (*cough* 2004 ALCS *cough*), but this is up there.
The Daily Pube: Boston’s Hot I wrote this for TDP. I’ve never been prouder to be a Red Sox fan…well, yes I have (*cough* 2004 ALCS *cough*), but this is up there.
Once again, I go a while without update. But, there is a good reason for it. I’ve been busier than a, well, I’ve been pretty damned busy. Let’s see, last you heard, it was early March and I was just working a job as a contract/temporary mechanical designer while still getting the house done. Here’s… Continue Reading
There’s probably a whole three people in this world who read this blog (myself, the author, being one of them), but that’s OK. It’s most likely due to my less than diligent approach to putting information up here. In that sense, it’s become more of a journal for me than a blog for others, but… Continue Reading
So, the time has finally come for me and my better half to leave the comfortable confines of the beach and move on. But, this move is not all hum-glum and doom – there is much to rejoice over! The reason we are moving is because we have, after years of throwing our money into… Continue Reading
Once again I find myself being more than delinquent in my frequencies of updating this page. So much has happened in the last few months. Let see if I can get a quick update… Work I moved to a start-up nanotech company (we’re still trying to keep our anonymity – although it gets harder by… Continue Reading
Here I go again. I can’t sit still. I can’t create a foundation. I can’t enjoy consistency. I can’t stand the status-quo. I always wonder what-if. I can’t say ‘no’ to a potential change. I can’t stand stagnation. That’s right, I’m changing jobs again. For those of you that know me, this shouldn’t come as… Continue Reading
This PDF file lays out a great little plan for managing day-to-day email overload – both at work and personal. I have been following this plan today. It has really seemed to help my productivity as I am not checking email constantly and dealing with frivolous shit as much. I highly recommend it. Managing Incoming… Continue Reading
Management in Training? One can only hope/dread… The long story turned short is that my boss, the Mechanical Engineering Supervisor, had jury duty last week and is in Malaysia this week for work. The guy under him with the most seniority was finishing up his last week here (off to greener pastures), so I was… Continue Reading