Movin’ On Up

I had a nice talk with my boss this week. Just a little background – late last week (or the week before) he had asked us for a self-assessment for 2005. Instead of putting my usual 2 minutes of effort into it, I spent a few hours on Saturday actually sitting down and defining accomplishments,Continue Reading

Getting Pulled In a Million Different Directions

This week has been crazy – all kinds of stuff pulling at my mind, body, and patience. Here’s just a few things that have been pissing me off! Weather The weather has sucked, plain old sucked, this week. We had frigidly cold weather this past weekend with about 4″ of snow on Saturday (which madeContinue Reading

Oh, The Places I’ve Been..

Wow – September 30th was the last day I posted in here, huh? Amazing. Well, a lot has happened since then and nothing has happened since then. First off, I finally got new tires for my truck. BF Goodrich Radial All-Terrain T/A KO 31×10.5×15’s. Great tire, nice look, and a good price. Due to anContinue Reading Well, this site is my newest home on the net. And, I am currently a SuperMod there. Great place, great people AND a great set-up. Just a bunch of blue-oval owners helping others out. Not much else has been up. I’m officially cleared to return to everything athletic as of yesterday (yeah, like IContinue Reading

Slow Week….

Not a whole hell of a lot going on this week. I’ve been working out like crazy – surfing (well, paddling – it was flat) on Monday, weight Tuesday thru Thursday, and Yoga on Friday. It’s nice being busy. Work’s been a chore with major ECO’s being pushed through and the Manufacturing/Planning being big ‘oleContinue Reading

Truck Mania!

I’ve recently been bitten by the bug. My truck has turned into my new obsession. I will have it ready to do some beach-combing next summer! I can’t wait. First order of business is to put some decent sized tires on it (due to popping one this past week) and raise it up a bit.Continue Reading

The Money Pit I Call ‘My Truck’

You know, I thought was doing good. I’d finally landed a good job (that I promptly quit a few months later) and was getting ready to settle down. So, I figured, what the hell! I’d promised myself an SUV all through college and I’d be damned if I was going to buy one. My SaturnContinue Reading

Riviera : Broken Sounds from Chicago, IL

Riviera : Broken Sounds from Chicago, IL It’s funny the things you run into on the net.   The other day, I was digging through my CD collection and came across a CD that I had burned for me a few years ago.   It was my old college roommate’s first studio effort with hisContinue Reading