Unkown Desires

Have you ever wanted something, but not known what exactly is the object of your desires? I had that problem last night. I was in a piss-poor mood and I knew I wanted something, but couldn’t figure out what it was. It might be that I’m kind of upset with my career at the moment.Continue Reading

The Forced Vacation Begins

So, I’m being forced to take some time off over this next week. I can’t say I’m very happy about it, but if it’s going to help our bottom line – especially given our stock price activity as of late (It’s been going down faster than I can bomb an icy East Coast slope) –Continue Reading


Wow, I haven’t been around much lately, I suppose. I’ve been pretty busy though. Work’s been hammering away at me. I’ve gotten involved in a new tool design project that’s got me really excited. They kind of screwed me over and offered me a quasi-management position and then took it off the table, but we’llContinue Reading

Family, Friends, Food & Fireworks

Well, the 2005 4th of July weekend is in the books, but it’s far from forgotten. What a great weekend it was. Veeco, in an unnatural act of kindness – I’m sure there was some other reason, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt – gave us all Monday AND Tuesday off. AContinue Reading


It’s such a nice looking word – you’d almost consider it to be a nice word considering how it’s put together “a-trophy.” But, alas, it’s anything but nice. Merriam & Websterdefine it as the following: Main Entry: at·ro·phy Pronunciation: ‘a-tr&-fE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -phies Etymology: Late Latin atrophia, from Greek, from atrophos illContinue Reading

Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Don’t you hate it when you’ve been working on a project for a long time and seem stuck in a rut on a seemingly tough portion of it only to have someone who has not put in any time or effort come over and say “Oh, if you did X, Y, and Z you’d beContinue Reading

LB Was The Shiznit Today…

I spent 1.5 hours (6:30 – 8:00pm) surfing yesterday! Chest to head (occasional overhead) high waves. Almost to the point of being too big for my ability. Paddling out was a chore and a half. Say what you want, but it’s a killer back/shoulder/arm workout. Not as glassy conditions as this weekend. The rougher conditionsContinue Reading

A New Day Dawns…

It’s somewhat amazing how a new day can bring a little bit of peace and calmness to the soul. I think a good night’s sleep can also help. I am in a much better mood and mind-frame today than I was yesterday and it’s showing in my work, my demeanor, even in the way IContinue Reading