Dragging Arse…

The last few days have been hellish here… I’ve been dragging my butt around work without much of anything doing. My projects have all kind of stalled and I don’t feel like I have the energy to jump-start them. Weird kind of funk I’m in. Winner. I better. They: love just already blog. Bites at.Continue Reading

MA Here We Come

Well, it was my Mom’s birthday yesterday and it’s been about a month since we saw my folks, so we’re heading up to MA this weekend. Ris’ parents will be in Newport, RI (a short drive from my folks’ house), so it looks like the whole gang will get together (as Courtney will be withContinue Reading

Back To Work

Well, back to work on this dreary Monday. I spent the weekend at the beach with the Mrs. and our good friends the Murrays. We had an absolute blast. The sailboat got painted (and ready to sail from what I hear), but the surf was up, so I spent my time on the beach sideContinue Reading

Welcome to LI, Hurricane Alex

Hurricane Alex is sending some love our way! Report has it at overhead (and then some), glassy, and pretty much perfect. Too damn bad I’m stuck here at work with little to no time off left on my account. I’m bummed out big time. I decided to not get wet yesterday due to the factContinue Reading