Retrofitting The Man – Part 1 | Shoes

This week begins blogger Sam’s series on Retrofitting The Man – a five (or so) piece series that revolves around updating the wardrobe of a fashion-backwards guy, namely me, to something that is a bit more modern, hip and sophisticated. Let’s get off on the right foot here – I truly appreciate what SamContinue Reading

Style | Retrofitting The Man « Crabapple

My good friend Sam over at has decided to help me retrofit my look from the ground up.  What started with a conversation about how I have worn the same shoes to work EVERY day for the last two plus years turned into a conversation about how I really need to ‘reattire’ myself.  Sam’sContinue Reading

UMass Comments on Potential FBS Move

UMass Athletic Director John McCutcheon had this to say today regarding the football team’s potential move to FBS: There are several dominoes that have to fall. Some of them have and some of them are lined up. But we still have several issues that need to be addressed and hurdles to clear for this toContinue Reading

How To Make Chicken Francese

I have yet to find anything that does not taste better when drenched in a good red gravy. But, even an Italian guy like me has to vary his taste every once in a while. Chicken Francese, despite the French name, is an entirely Italian dish. Most of the research out there points to thisContinue ReadingContinue Reading

2011 Should Mean Good Eats!

Look at this little ditty that showed up at my door yesterday.  Food & Wine Magazine has traditionally offered this cookbook at the beginning of the year to subscribers of the magazine.  It then goes on sale later in the year.  This year, we received an offer to purchase this book for a very lowContinue Reading

Thoughts on Burke Mountain

We spent a whole week here on BDR building up to the 2011 WICed Fest Snowboard trip to Burke Mountain earlier this month. The first post was a video showing the Dashney Mile terrrain park and the series culminated with a video highlighting the WICed Fest’s 2009 Snowboard Trip to Burke Mountain. This video seriesContinue ReadingContinue Reading

New York Food Biathlon – Halway Point

New York Food Biathlon – Halway Point

February is a busy birthday month in my family. My brother and wife’s grandmother both celebrate thier birthdays on the 16th and my sister-in-law celebrates on the 22nd.  As you can imagine, this many birthdays involves numerous celebrations. My brother is in Colorado, so the celebration only involves a phone call and maybe a beerContinue Reading

Ramblings | We’ve Moved!

Ramblings | We’ve Moved!

Hey everyone!  Great news!  We’ve made the official jump to our own website.  This move is going to allow us to do a lot of things that having a website won’t.  As you can see, we’ve already done a bit of a face lift with a new theme and an altered layout.  Going forward,Continue Reading