Ramblings | We’ve Moved!

Ramblings | We’ve Moved!

Hey everyone!  Great news!  We’ve made the official jump to our own website.  This move is going to allow us to do a lot of things that having a wordpress.com website won’t.  As you can see, we’ve already done a bit of a face lift with a new theme and an altered layout.  Going forward, we will be adding some more quality information as well as possibly some guests posts.  It’s all about progression.

So, a few things of interest given our upgrade:

  • We have a new RSS feed. Be sure to update your RSS readers.
  • We have a new email address.  If you need to get in touch with us, please don’t hesitate.
  • Our Facebook page and Twitter account have remained the same.  Be sure to friend us and keep in touch with us!
  • Please consider joining our mailing list – see the opt-in area on the right.  This list isn’t going to be a constant barrage on your email account.  It will only be the occassional email to update you on something, give you the early heads up on a deal, or pass along some information that I think is super important.  I promise that your contact information won’t be sold or provided to anyone.

Well, we hope you like the new look and appreciate what we are doing here.  If you do, be sure to tell your friends!

More to come soon!

One Response to Ramblings | We’ve Moved!

  1. […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by actionxsports, Big Dan's Ramblings. Big Dan's Ramblings said: Big Dan's Ramblings | Ramblings | We've Moved! http://bit.ly/hpFvtz […]

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