Resolutions Review – First Quarter of 2011

Work in Progressphoto © 2006 Grant Kwok | more info (via: Wylio) I wrote a four-part series about my New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of this year. Now that a quarter of the year has passed, it’s time to take a look at how well I have done so far and what adjustments I need to make. The purpose of this review is to give an account of where I am on the path to my goals as well as readjust my expectations for the remainder of the year. Don’t be surprised to see some goals changed dramatically and, possibly, the expectations of some goals to be extended if the goal seems to easy to acquire. Please be sure to leave a comment at the end of this post if you find it interesting.

Resolution #1 – Lose 35lbs

Measurable Status: 7lbs lost
Progression: Slightly Behind Schedule (20% complete)

I started the year at 262lbs and currently weight 255lbs, so that’s a cumulative 7lbs lost over time. But, that is only half the story. I got all the way down to 250lbs around mid-February. That means I lost about 12lbs from the beginning of the year. Then I went on a snowboard trip… Four days of eating anything I wanted and drinking heavily let me jump back up just south of 260lbs. I have not been able to ‘turn it on’ since I got home the way I was going before that trip. But, I’m slowly getting back down to where I was. I’m hoping that I will be able to get back into a better eating pattern and exercise more. Both of those actions should help me make progress and meet this goal.

Changes To Goal: None

Resolution #2 – Run At Least Three Races

Measurable Status: No training and no race entries
Progression: Behind Schedule (0% complete)

I really do not have any major excuses here. I experienced some back pain early in the year that made training difficult. I ended up working through those with the help of a chiropractor and was in good enough shape to snowboard four days in a row. Once I got back from that trip, I just have not had the motivation to go out and workout. I usually workout during lunch, but a large project at work has taken that time away from me. I could, perhaps, train after work but I find it hard to fit that into the chaos of my home schedule. The project at work seems to be slowing down, so perhaps I can start training again. However, I will be honest, the motivation still isn’t there, so I’m not expecting much. Perhaps I will enter one race this year.

Changes To Goal: Enter and compete in one race (5K minimum)

Resolution #3 – Read Twenty Books

Measurable Status: 2 books read
Progression: Behind Schedule (10% complete)

This goal has been one that I keep putting off for no apparent reason. I have defined a list of books I want to read and have started in on my quest. I just simply forget to read for days at a stretch or, when I have time to read, I decide to do something else. I’m closing in on the end of my second book at the stage where I should be closing in on my fifth book. That being said, I’m re-addressing my priorities at night to achieve this goal. I have, however, been listening to a lot of business-related podcasts during my morning and evening commutes. While I do not consider this reading, I have felt like I’ve kept a constant pace of learning for the beginning of this year.

Changes To Goal: No change – simply re-establish my goal and stick to it.

Resolution #4 – Renovate My Basement

Measurable Status: No work performed to date
Progression: Behind Schedule (0% complete)

No work has been performed on this resolution. Time and money are prohibiting this resolution from seeing a successful completion. I think that we will re-address the goal of this resolution so that I can have demolition done by the end of the year.

Changes To Goal: Have demolition complete by the end of the year.

General Wrap-Up

As I mentioned in the original series, it is important to check the progress of your goals on a regular basis. Having looked at my progress so far, it is easy to see that the project I have been involved with at work has taken a long, hard toll on the goals I want to accomplish. I need to make sure I re-center my goals as the work project slows down and I reclaim some free time.

Be sure to check back at the end of June for a mid-year review!

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