Tag Archives: 13skills.com

2013 Skill #3 – First Aid

2013 Skill #3 – First Aid

In the last post, I outline three main areas that I was concentrating my new skills areas in: Home Preparedness, Outdoor Skills and Protection.  Today I’m going to talk about another Home Preparedness skill that I’ll be working on in the 13-in-13 Challenge through 13Skills.com – First Aid. It’s pretty evident why knowing some levelContinue Reading

How And Why To Use 13Skills.com

How And Why To Use 13Skills.com

When I sat down to write about the third skill I want to learn in 2013, I realized that I had only briefly glanced over the site that driving me to learn or master thirteen new skills in 2013.  So, rather than talk about a skill in-depth today, I thought I’d spend some time goingContinue Reading

2013 Skill #2 – Blade Sharpening

2013 Skill #2 – Blade Sharpening

Whether it’s an excavator digging a house foundation or a bottle opener popping the top of your favorite beer, tools are what allow us to perform difficult jobs more easily.  If you take a close look at all the tools we use, you’ll notice that many of them have some kind of cutting function associatedContinue Reading

13 in 13 – New Skills For a New Year

13 in 13 – New Skills For a New Year

The end of a year always brings with it reflection and retrospection of the last twelve months.  What have I done of worth over that time? Did I use my time wisely? What could I have done better? It’s times like these that both allow a person to define who they are and who theyContinue Reading