Tag Archives: bacon

Breakfast Bake with Eggs

Breakfast is such a boring meal to have people over for. What do you make? A big bowl of scrambled eggs? Maybe a nice banana bread and a bowl of diced fruit. If you’re feeling really creative maybe you’ll make pancakes. The problem with all these options is the time it takes in the kitchen.Continue Reading

How To Spice Up Those Supermarket Hamburgers

We are all busy.  It’s a fact.  Most of us do not have time to make our meals from scratch.  In an ideal world, we would all shop only from the outside aisles of the supermarket and buy only the ingredients that we need to craft our meals from the basic building blocks on up.Continue Reading

New York Food Biathlon – Halway Point

New York Food Biathlon – Halway Point

February is a busy birthday month in my family. My brother and wife’s grandmother both celebrate thier birthdays on the 16th and my sister-in-law celebrates on the 22nd.  As you can imagine, this many birthdays involves numerous celebrations. My brother is in Colorado, so the celebration only involves a phone call and maybe a beerContinue Reading

How to Make Hamburgers – BDR Style

Being that it’s Labor Day and there’s a lot of grilling going on, I figured I’d share my hamburger recipe with you all.  I’ve been experimenting a lot lately on the grill and I believe that I have defined a great hamburger (at least that’s what my family and friends have said).  It’s really simpleContinue Reading

My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

I was listening to an interesting conversation on my way into work the other day. One of the DJs was checking out the site BroBible.com and came across this article about a Man’s Perfect Day. It sparked a conversation amongst the hosts of the show as to what their Perfect Man Day would be. IContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Food Porn: Bacon Popcorn

Food Porn: Bacon Popocorn File this one in the “because bacon makes anything/everything better” category! Popcorn itself is a relatively healthy snack. Without butter or copious amounts of salt, the high-fiber, low-calorie snack is both filling and satisfying. Additional, it can keep you from reaching for other, less-healthy snacks because it can be munched overContinue Reading