Tag Archives: blueberries

How To Birdproof Your Blueberries

How To Birdproof Your Blueberries

I’ve had a few small blueberry bushes for the last few years.  My major problem has been ‘sharing’ my crop with the local birds.  Not only do they like to eat the berries, but they end up – ahem – ‘staining’ my patio after they’ve enjoyed the spoils of my labor.  Not this year!  IContinue Reading

Big Dan’s Garden Review – June 2013

Big Dan’s Garden Review – June 2013

I’ve wanted to give you all an update on my garden recently. Rather than babble on about it, I figured that putting a quick video together that highlighted some of the crops I’m growing would be better. I hope you all enjoy! [youtube_sc url=”b1uE80orysg”]