Tag Archives: Book

Building Confidence In the Kitchen

Have you ever wanted to be able to cook without thinking about it? Do you have trouble piecing together a meal from the contents of your refrigerator? Do you feel that you don’t understand the basics of cooking or even some rudimentary skills like chopping, dicing or julienning? Well, that’s how I always felt aboutContinue Reading

Resolutions Review – First Quarter of 2011

photo © 2006 Grant Kwok | more info (via: Wylio) I wrote a four-part series about my New Year’s Resolutions at the beginning of this year. Now that a quarter of the year has passed, it’s time to take a look at how well I have done so far and what adjustments I need toContinue Reading

2011 Resolutions | #3 – Read 20 Books

I have been meaning to talk about the power of goal setting and some methods for setting and achieving goals on this blog.  As a way of addressing this topic, I am going to talk about my four resolutions for 2011 this week. I have gone through phases in my life where I read aContinue ReadingContinue Reading