Tag Archives: Boston

A Sunny Saturday in Northport

If you spend any time with me, you’ll know that I’m a Boston-boy through and through.  I love my Sox and Pats and B’s and C’s.  I think the world revolves around the Hub.  And, because of that, I tend to be a tortured soul since I live on Long Island. I don’t tend toContinue Reading

There’s Life In This Here Blog

After a few hours of work, I imported all my posts from my old blog (it’s still up) on Blogger.com. The posts were moved here more for posterity than anything else.  I have every intention of making this blog a place where I post a few times a week, if not more, about the thingsContinue Reading

Now What…

I’ve been going through post-mortem all day with Giants fans (the ones I know have been fairly gracious in victory – surprising to me given the area of the country that they originate from). I’ve hashed over the Pats inability to stop the Giants rush and the fact that, had the Pats run the no-huddleContinue Reading