Tag Archives: Boston Bruins

Aftermath of “The Crash” – Boston Sports Will Survive

In my 32 years, I’ve seen a lot of highs and lows in Boston sports, but this September might have been as low as it got. With a 9-game lead in the Wild Card standings on September 3rd, the Sox looked like they were destined for the playoffs and an eventual showdown with the EvilContinue Reading

Finding My Way

I’m sure that a lot of you – and, by ‘a lot of you,’ I mean the 3-4 people who read this blog – have realized that I have been delinquent in posting anything new over the past week or so. There’s a reason for that. I’ve been doing a lot of thinking lately aboutContinue Reading

A Sunny Saturday in Northport

If you spend any time with me, you’ll know that I’m a Boston-boy through and through.  I love my Sox and Pats and B’s and C’s.  I think the world revolves around the Hub.  And, because of that, I tend to be a tortured soul since I live on Long Island. I don’t tend toContinue Reading

There’s Life In This Here Blog

After a few hours of work, I imported all my posts from my old blog (it’s still up) on Blogger.com. The posts were moved here more for posterity than anything else.  I have every intention of making this blog a place where I post a few times a week, if not more, about the thingsContinue Reading