Tag Archives: diet

January 2013 Workout Plan

January 2013 Workout Plan

It seems so cliché to be posting a monthly workout plan on New Year’s Day, but I’m going to be that guy.  If you remember, I identified Physical Fitness as one of the skills I plan on improving during my participation in the 13Skills.com 13-in-13 Challenge.  There’s no better way to achieve that goal thanContinue Reading

2013 Skill #1 – Physical Fitness

2013 Skill #1 – Physical Fitness

What use is there in learning new skills if you are not physically fit enough to perform them? How can I honestly think that I’ll be able to protect and provide for my family in a crisis if I am not in good enough shape to take care of myself? These are a few ofContinue Reading

Long Time, No ‘See’

Once again I find myself being more than delinquent in my frequencies of updating this page. So much has happened in the last few months. Let see if I can get a quick update… Work I moved to a start-up nanotech company (we’re still trying to keep our anonymity – although it gets harder byContinue Reading

Getting Pulled In a Million Different Directions

This week has been crazy – all kinds of stuff pulling at my mind, body, and patience. Here’s just a few things that have been pissing me off! Weather The weather has sucked, plain old sucked, this week. We had frigidly cold weather this past weekend with about 4″ of snow on Saturday (which madeContinue Reading

Unkown Desires

Have you ever wanted something, but not known what exactly is the object of your desires? I had that problem last night. I was in a piss-poor mood and I knew I wanted something, but couldn’t figure out what it was. It might be that I’m kind of upset with my career at the moment.Continue Reading