Tag Archives: family

Happy Thanksgiving!

Just a quick note to wish everyone a happy, healthy Thanksgiving! I’m thankful to all of you who take the time to come on over and give us a read. I’m also very thankful for my wonderful wife and daughters and the rest of my great family who makes my life so full and exciting.Continue Reading

Work, Home and Thoughts on Pimping My Kids

I know you’re all interested in that last part, but we’ll get to it in a minute. About a month ago, I wrote about how I wanted to post 2-3 quality posts per week.  And, for about a week or so, I did great on that goal.  Then life hit.  Work has gotten stressful.  I’mContinue Reading

My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

I was listening to an interesting conversation on my way into work the other day. One of the DJs was checking out the site BroBible.com and came across this article about a Man’s Perfect Day. It sparked a conversation amongst the hosts of the show as to what their Perfect Man Day would be. IContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Kids and Ice Cream

I really do not intend this to be a blog about my kids, but I just can’t help but smile and laugh every time I see this video. One of my little girls got her first chance at eating an ice cream cone all by herself for the first time. I think she enjoyed it!Continue Reading

A New Day Dawns…

It’s somewhat amazing how a new day can bring a little bit of peace and calmness to the soul. I think a good night’s sleep can also help. I am in a much better mood and mind-frame today than I was yesterday and it’s showing in my work, my demeanor, even in the way IContinue Reading