Tag Archives: fatherhood

Weekly Wrap-Up | May 12, 2012

What You Missed This Week Here’s a list of the original content we posted on the site this week: How Can You Know The Stove Will Burn Without Touching It? – Kids can either be coddled or allowed to learn about the world through trial and error. What kind of dad are you – overprotective orContinue Reading

Keep Your Head In The Game!

Keep Your Head In The Game!

Holy crap has distraction taken hold today. I came home from a doctor’s visit around about two hours ago with every intention of sitting down and writing a post for the site…and I’m just getting started. First, I had to eat lunch. Then I had to try on the new neoprene calf support sleeve IContinue Reading

What Your Folks Don’t Tell You About Being A Dad

Daughter #1 made me be the bad guy last night…and broke my heart in the process. The Back Story The girls have been expanding their vocabulary exponentially lately. Their ability to string words into sentences has grown in parallel to their vocabulary. All of this progression has been great because they can finally hold conversationsContinue Reading

The 3 Phases of Finding Out We Were Having Twin Girls

The 3 Phases of Finding Out We Were Having Twin Girls

Finding out I was having twins girls may have been the single most significant life event I had experienced up until that point. I’m an engineer by trade – that means I’m a mathematical guy. I understand numbers – percentages, probability, statistics…that kind of thing. So when I found out my wife and I wereContinue Reading

Swearing In Front Of My Kids

This post is most definitely rated PG-13 for language. You were warned… I have always had a love/hate relationship with those words that polite society shies away from and refers to as “swear words.” I grew up in a home that definitely did not promote their use but, with all the sports I played, theyContinue Reading

The Ease of Being a Dad to Girls

My wife typically transports the twins to and from their childcare locations – be it the school they attend three days a week or my in-laws’ house where they are lucky enough to hang out for two days each week.  Due to the fact that she’s the main transporter, she’s also acts as the personContinue Reading