Tag Archives: Gardening

How To Birdproof Your Blueberries

How To Birdproof Your Blueberries

I’ve had a few small blueberry bushes for the last few years.  My major problem has been ‘sharing’ my crop with the local birds.  Not only do they like to eat the berries, but they end up – ahem – ‘staining’ my patio after they’ve enjoyed the spoils of my labor.  Not this year!  IContinue Reading

2013 Skills #6 and #7 – Beer Brewing & Composting

2013 Skills #6 and #7 – Beer Brewing & Composting

Today’s article concludes the seven Home Preparedness skills I previously identified as part of the thirteen skills I want to learn or improve upon in 2013 as part of the 13Skills.com 13-in-13 Challenge.  Composting and Beer Brewing, the skills I’m going to talk about today, have very little to do with each other however theyContinue Reading

How To Make Homemade Sauce and Ricotta Meatballs

My wife and I have been growing a garden since we bought our house a few years ago. At first, we were growing all kinds of peppers, beans, and even corn! And, we’ve had good luck with it. Over the last few years, we’ve cut down our plantings to a few different crops that weContinue Reading