Tag Archives: life

Similarities Between Snowboarding and Life

But back in college I was reading an article about a professional rider and they were quoted about their views on snowboarding and life. Now, I can’t remember the rider or the exact phrase (and about an hour worth of Googling didn’t help), but it went something like this: Snowboarding, for all its inherent coolness,Continue Reading

Father Knows Best – The Best Advice I've Ever Received

You spend the first part of your life providing unconditional love to them, the next part insisting that they are wrong at every corner, and the rest of your life realizing that they actually knew what they were talking about. Of course, I’m writing about fathers. My old man was, and still is, a straightContinue Reading

What’s the Haps, Jack?

Once again, I go a while without update. But, there is a good reason for it. I’ve been busier than a, well, I’ve been pretty damned busy. Let’s see, last you heard, it was early March and I was just working a job as a contract/temporary mechanical designer while still getting the house done. Here’sContinue Reading

Greener Pastures

Here I go again. I can’t sit still. I can’t create a foundation. I can’t enjoy consistency. I can’t stand the status-quo. I always wonder what-if. I can’t say ‘no’ to a potential change. I can’t stand stagnation. That’s right, I’m changing jobs again. For those of you that know me, this shouldn’t come asContinue Reading


Management in Training? One can only hope/dread… The long story turned short is that my boss, the Mechanical Engineering Supervisor, had jury duty last week and is in Malaysia this week for work. The guy under him with the most seniority was finishing up his last week here (off to greener pastures), so I wasContinue Reading

Getting Pulled In a Million Different Directions

This week has been crazy – all kinds of stuff pulling at my mind, body, and patience. Here’s just a few things that have been pissing me off! Weather The weather has sucked, plain old sucked, this week. We had frigidly cold weather this past weekend with about 4″ of snow on Saturday (which madeContinue Reading

Not Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Don’t you hate it when you’ve been working on a project for a long time and seem stuck in a rut on a seemingly tough portion of it only to have someone who has not put in any time or effort come over and say “Oh, if you did X, Y, and Z you’d beContinue Reading

Dragging Arse…

The last few days have been hellish here… I’ve been dragging my butt around work without much of anything doing. My projects have all kind of stalled and I don’t feel like I have the energy to jump-start them. Weird kind of funk I’m in. Winner. I better. They: love just already blog. Bites at.Continue Reading