Tag Archives: Long Beach

A New Chapter Begins…

So, the time has finally come for me and my better half to leave the comfortable confines of the beach and move on. But, this move is not all hum-glum and doom – there is much to rejoice over! The reason we are moving is because we have, after years of throwing our money intoContinue Reading

New Times, Old Friends & Other Ramblings

I received an email the other day from a girl who lived on my floor during my sophomore year of college. We were pretty good friends and hung out in the same group. We’ve been conversing back and forth the past few days and it kind of made me realize that I met a LOTContinue Reading

LB Was The Shiznit Today…

I spent 1.5 hours (6:30 – 8:00pm) surfing yesterday! Chest to head (occasional overhead) high waves. Almost to the point of being too big for my ability. Paddling out was a chore and a half. Say what you want, but it’s a killer back/shoulder/arm workout. Not as glassy conditions as this weekend. The rougher conditionsContinue Reading