Tag Archives: Long Island

2012 Goals – The Anti-Resolution Year!

Last year, around this time, I did a four part series about how I was going to lose weight, run more, read more books and finish off my basement in 2011. Well, newsflash, I didn’t do so well. I did end 2011 with a net loss of about 20lbs which, overall, is nothing to sneezeContinue Reading

A Sunny Saturday in Northport

If you spend any time with me, you’ll know that I’m a Boston-boy through and through.  I love my Sox and Pats and B’s and C’s.  I think the world revolves around the Hub.  And, because of that, I tend to be a tortured soul since I live on Long Island. I don’t tend toContinue Reading

A New Chapter Begins…

So, the time has finally come for me and my better half to leave the comfortable confines of the beach and move on. But, this move is not all hum-glum and doom – there is much to rejoice over! The reason we are moving is because we have, after years of throwing our money intoContinue Reading

Surfboard Hysteria…

So, with the knee on the mend, I’ve gone in search of some new rides! And, what better time of year to start looking than the end of summer when all the posers decide to pawn off their barely used sticks so they’ll have some pocket cash to put towards a new snowboard (which they’llContinue Reading