Tag Archives: MA

A Sunny Saturday in Northport

If you spend any time with me, you’ll know that I’m a Boston-boy through and through.  I love my Sox and Pats and B’s and C’s.  I think the world revolves around the Hub.  And, because of that, I tend to be a tortured soul since I live on Long Island. I don’t tend toContinue Reading

Family, Friends, Food & Fireworks

Well, the 2005 4th of July weekend is in the books, but it’s far from forgotten. What a great weekend it was. Veeco, in an unnatural act of kindness – I’m sure there was some other reason, but I’ll give them the benefit of the doubt – gave us all Monday AND Tuesday off. AContinue Reading

MA Here We Come

Well, it was my Mom’s birthday yesterday and it’s been about a month since we saw my folks, so we’re heading up to MA this weekend. Ris’ parents will be in Newport, RI (a short drive from my folks’ house), so it looks like the whole gang will get together (as Courtney will be withContinue Reading