Tag Archives: Mountain Creek

Blak Sheep Gnarly State Park Stik Used and Reviewed

My friend Doug has a small, but up-and-coming, snowboard company call Blak Sheep Snowboards based out of New Jersey.  Below is the review that AngrySnowboarder.com gave him on his 155cm Blak Sheep Gnarly State Park Stik: Originally posted at AngrySnowboarder.com: American made products seem to be diminishing more and more by the day. But that’s justContinue Reading

Rock & Roll Time This Winter!

If this little girl can snowboard at 1-years old, so can my little ones! Look out J&M – this winter is going to rule! Mountain Creek, here we come! [yt]0n6475aezco[/yt]

Getting Pulled In a Million Different Directions

This week has been crazy – all kinds of stuff pulling at my mind, body, and patience. Here’s just a few things that have been pissing me off! Weather The weather has sucked, plain old sucked, this week. We had frigidly cold weather this past weekend with about 4″ of snow on Saturday (which madeContinue Reading

Truck Mania!

I’ve recently been bitten by the bug. My truck has turned into my new obsession. I will have it ready to do some beach-combing next summer! I can’t wait. First order of business is to put some decent sized tires on it (due to popping one this past week) and raise it up a bit.Continue Reading

The Forced Vacation Begins

So, I’m being forced to take some time off over this next week. I can’t say I’m very happy about it, but if it’s going to help our bottom line – especially given our stock price activity as of late (It’s been going down faster than I can bomb an icy East Coast slope) –Continue Reading


Wow, I haven’t been around much lately, I suppose. I’ve been pretty busy though. Work’s been hammering away at me. I’ve gotten involved in a new tool design project that’s got me really excited. They kind of screwed me over and offered me a quasi-management position and then took it off the table, but we’llContinue Reading

A New Day Dawns…

It’s somewhat amazing how a new day can bring a little bit of peace and calmness to the soul. I think a good night’s sleep can also help. I am in a much better mood and mind-frame today than I was yesterday and it’s showing in my work, my demeanor, even in the way IContinue Reading