Tag Archives: resolution

2011 Resolutions | #3 – Read 20 Books

I have been meaning to talk about the power of goal setting and some methods for setting and achieving goals on this blog.  As a way of addressing this topic, I am going to talk about my four resolutions for 2011 this week. I have gone through phases in my life where I read aContinue ReadingContinue Reading

2011 Resolutions | #2 – Run At Least 3 Races

I have been meaning to talk about the power of goal setting and some methods for setting and achieving goals on this blog.  As a way of addressing this topic, I am going to talk about my four resolutions for 2011 this week. I do not now and never have considered myself a runner.  AsContinue ReadingContinue Reading

2011 Resolutions | #1 – Lose 35 lbs

I have been meaning to talk about the power of goal setting and some methods for setting and achieving goals on this blog.  As a way of addressing this topic, I am going to talk about my four resolutions for 2011 this week. The straight up truth is that I am overweight. Standing at aContinue Reading