Tag Archives: retrofitting your wardrobe

Retrofitting The Man – Part 5 | Bags & Miscellaneous

OK, let me try this for the fourth time. First of all, I would like to apologize to the readers of this blog and particularly to CrabAppleNYC.com author Sam. The fifth and final post of his Retrofitting The Man series was posted almost two weeks ago and I am just getting around to posting aContinue Reading

Retrofitting The Man – Part 4 | Suits

Since the beginning of the week, CrabAppleNYC.com’s Sam has given me pointers on shoes, pants, and shirts. In the fourth part of his series, Sam has made suggestions on that quintessential item that every man must possess – a quality suit. You should probably know that I am not a suit guy. That’s not toContinue Reading

Retrofitting The Man – Part 3 | Shirts

Over the last few days, I’ve received pointers on shoes and pants. Now, in his third installment of Retrofitting the Man, Sam from CrabAppleNYC.com makes some recommendations about shirts. He also gave me a few suggestions for sweaters and spring coats. I’m really interested in both of those because A) I have started wearing sweatersContinue Reading

Retrofitting The Man – Part 2 | Pants

Yesterday, Sam from CrabAppleNYC.com posted his second post in his series on Retrofitting The Man. In this part of the series, Sam takes aim at my selection of pants and points out that I wear “shapeless, pleated khakis” almost daily and that these type of pants add girth and make me look wider. And theContinue Reading

Retrofitting The Man – Part 1 | Shoes

This week begins CrabAppleNYC.com blogger Sam’s series on Retrofitting The Man – a five (or so) piece series that revolves around updating the wardrobe of a fashion-backwards guy, namely me, to something that is a bit more modern, hip and sophisticated. Let’s get off on the right foot here – I truly appreciate what SamContinue Reading

Style | Retrofitting The Man « Crabapple

My good friend Sam over at CrabAppleNYC.com has decided to help me retrofit my look from the ground up.  What started with a conversation about how I have worn the same shoes to work EVERY day for the last two plus years turned into a conversation about how I really need to ‘reattire’ myself.  Sam’sContinue Reading