Tag Archives: surfing

My (Realistic) Perfect Man Day

I was listening to an interesting conversation on my way into work the other day. One of the DJs was checking out the site BroBible.com and came across this article about a Man’s Perfect Day. It sparked a conversation amongst the hosts of the show as to what their Perfect Man Day would be. IContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Long Time, No ‘See’

Once again I find myself being more than delinquent in my frequencies of updating this page. So much has happened in the last few months. Let see if I can get a quick update… Work I moved to a start-up nanotech company (we’re still trying to keep our anonymity – although it gets harder byContinue Reading

Getting Pulled In a Million Different Directions

This week has been crazy – all kinds of stuff pulling at my mind, body, and patience. Here’s just a few things that have been pissing me off! Weather The weather has sucked, plain old sucked, this week. We had frigidly cold weather this past weekend with about 4″ of snow on Saturday (which madeContinue Reading

Slow Week….

Not a whole hell of a lot going on this week. I’ve been working out like crazy – surfing (well, paddling – it was flat) on Monday, weight Tuesday thru Thursday, and Yoga on Friday. It’s nice being busy. Work’s been a chore with major ECO’s being pushed through and the Manufacturing/Planning being big ‘oleContinue Reading

New Times, Old Friends & Other Ramblings

I received an email the other day from a girl who lived on my floor during my sophomore year of college. We were pretty good friends and hung out in the same group. We’ve been conversing back and forth the past few days and it kind of made me realize that I met a LOTContinue Reading


It’s such a nice looking word – you’d almost consider it to be a nice word considering how it’s put together “a-trophy.” But, alas, it’s anything but nice. Merriam & Websterdefine it as the following: Main Entry: at·ro·phy Pronunciation: ‘a-tr&-fE Function: noun Inflected Form(s): plural -phies Etymology: Late Latin atrophia, from Greek, from atrophos illContinue Reading

LB Was The Shiznit Today…

I spent 1.5 hours (6:30 – 8:00pm) surfing yesterday! Chest to head (occasional overhead) high waves. Almost to the point of being too big for my ability. Paddling out was a chore and a half. Say what you want, but it’s a killer back/shoulder/arm workout. Not as glassy conditions as this weekend. The rougher conditionsContinue Reading

Back To Work

Well, back to work on this dreary Monday. I spent the weekend at the beach with the Mrs. and our good friends the Murrays. We had an absolute blast. The sailboat got painted (and ready to sail from what I hear), but the surf was up, so I spent my time on the beach sideContinue Reading