Tag Archives: WICed Fest

Gone Snowboarding – All The Way To Colorado!

Big Dan’s Ramblings will be experiencing some radio silence this week as a I make a  much-anticipated pilgrimage to Aspen Snowmass. I’ve got a great article lined up for tomorrow and I’ll try and post a few small updates while I’m out there but internet access is an unknown and, well, I’ll be in Snowmass!Continue Reading

Thoughts on Burke Mountain

We spent a whole week here on BDR building up to the 2011 WICed Fest Snowboard trip to Burke Mountain earlier this month. The first post was a video showing the Dashney Mile terrrain park and the series culminated with a video highlighting the WICed Fest’s 2009 Snowboard Trip to Burke Mountain. This video seriesContinue ReadingContinue Reading

Snowboard | Gone Snowboarding…

BDR will be experiencing some radio silence this week as our fearless leader takes the WICed Fest crew to enjoy some shred time at Burke Mountain in Vermont!

Snowboard | Build-up To Burke Trip – Day #7

It all culminates in this video!  The recap of the 2009 WICed Fest Snowboard Trip to Burke Mountain! [ylwm_vimeo]19440558[/ylwm_vimeo]

Snowboard | Build-up To Burke Trip – Day #6

Here’s a little ditty from the guys at ShredBurke.com [yt]WSZX6paW3OE[/yt]

Snowboard | Build-up To Burke Trip – Day #5

These guys really know how to shred! [yt]9NW_8lpZMic[/yt]

Snowboard | Build-up To Burke Trip – Day #4

Fully Open! [yt]kkTEu1h-DO0[/yt]

Snowboard | Build-up To Burke Trip – Day #3

Looking forward to filming and riding in this park! [yt]bQ85haKqLAw[/yt]